Southwark Council's Schools'

design by Web-Labs Design

Southwark Schools Logo
Southwark Schools

Southwark Council schools are at the heart of the diverse education communities on London that have a great reputation for offering high quality education. If you work in education, these web pages provide easy access to valuable information on a range of education related issues, good practice and opportunities within Schools, hard Federations, Academies.

The website service has been updated in the summer of 2017 to include a channel shift with an enterpise level extranet that delivers professional development courses suitable for head teachers, teachers and newly qualified teachers and governors.

Registered users can spend credit assigned to them by the local authority and book courses and gain qualifications online. The shop window of these courses is divided into Governance, Leadership Management, HR, Assessment & Curriculum, PSHE & Healthy Schools, SEND, Early Years Foundation Stage, NQT's and Finance. Service Level Agreements can be purchased online by organsisations within the framework of Southwark Schools and managed within a dashboard for bookings, finance and evaluations. School teams can be managed on a school by school basis with teaching staff, leadership teams and non teaching staff with clairty and accuracy.

We love the website ...
looks really good on a mobile - brilliant !...

Georgia Pritchard and Cara Cahill @ Southwark Council

View the project with the client's insight demonstrated in a power point file during one of our open days on the 18th May 2018.

'Digital Transformation in Action' open day presentation by the client: Site for teachers in the community to book on courses and programmes
