Experts of web accessibility

Web Labs

User acceptance testing

Our UAT workshops for local 
government guarantee evaluation of the end user experience. Workshops are dynamic, to the point and fun! If you want to improve usability, accessibility, and interaction with your site or app then we can help.

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Engage with customers to evaluate their user experience and refine digital transformation

Workshops are a significant commitment in any web site design process. For Web Labs designers they are a part of every new design project as they consistently produce new insights for our design first thinking, better user experiences and stronger client / supplier relationships.

For clients that might be hesitant to make workshops part of a project, maybe because previous workshops have failed or it’s just never been considered, we are experienced at running workshops that produce excitement and value.

As a provider of services, governing authorities should be keen to make any investment that encourages digital transformation an opportunity to learn. That learning process is how to respond to their respective service teams and their citizens’ expectations.

Our workshops aid this and help establish a pattern of user interface and user experience that can become the model that is not just about design, but about responding to end user satisfaction for online tasks.

Web Labs have collaborated with authorities on significant projects involving our three tier workshop structure. These are successful because of significant planning to keep these agenda focussed and the events dynamic and relevant enough for the specific user groups.  

Tier One: Information audit & mapping a user flow

Meeting the specific service team for the online transaction. A Web Labs Developer and Designer are present for this scoping process.


Discover the requirements and business logic. We gather the information shared by third party suppliers and other parties that shape the structure of an online transaction. This can involve ‘brainstorming’ and user obstacles. Consensus lead creation of a task user flow diagram between the service and Web Labs designers. We then take time to produce a wireframe process flow diagram agreed for sign off.

Tier Two: Visual prototype review

A workshop with the client’s dedicated communications lead and respective service team to review designs and access the success of the design and its fit with criteria for consistent design and preliminary UAT (user acceptance testing). A Web Labs UX specialist is present.


Review of designed web pages and analysis for further design 
iterations. Together we can establish a success based pattern for all design iterations. This will be a workshop where we can evaluate the risks of bad UX (user experience) and adapt user interfaces so that a solid design can be agreed for a clickable prototype.

Tier Three: Clickable prototype end user testing

Set up of the workshop will be conducted by 2 Web labs UX testers with the stage set of up to 32 users* to complete the core activity and then share what was accomplished. 
*The sample of the users should be invited by the Council to the workshop. Expect about 8 mini sessions in a day. Each session is around 25 minutes with up to 4 users per session.


Reflection and discussion of the activity afterwards providing of new value and perspective on the project's design. Feedback for any design iterations before build.
