Enfield Traded Services
design by weblabs design

Digitial transformation for the education service at Enfield Council for 2021. The Hub is designed as a online store for the traded services for member schools up at Enfield council.
Before the website launched the edcuation service used PDF's and phone calls to manage purchases from 90+ schools in the north london borough. The website encourages the schools to manage their purchases by fianancial year. Now school account members get a modern UI featuring everything you would expect in a modern online store shopping experience. Ecommerce for local government can transform how local councils and schools manage their finances.
Other dashboard features for account holders include
- Bought back traded services
- Manage individual school closures
- Managed document library shared with Enfield schools
- Managed contact directory
Installed Software
Content Master CMS
Create and maintain a professional web presence without the need for specialist skills. Take advantage of the in-built flexibility and modular format to find the right solution for you. Enjoy ease of interface, inter-operability and the guarantee of compliance with professional and legislative standards.
Customer relationship management built help our partners improve their customer relationships. The Web Labs Bridge CRM application allows organisations to focus attention on individual customers and associates—be they citizens, service users, or anyone else the company or organisation does business with.
Document Master
Enterprise document and records management that offers a powerful and secure solution which can be integrated with other operations and web functions.