Experts of web accessibility

Web Labs

Responsive Web Sites

Reponsive web design offers a great return of investment even for web based app development because it has no inherent constraints that iOS or Android derive. Our core templating for HTML5 is rock solid and dependable on all devices with a browser.

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We create responsive websites with great user experiences on every screen.

We create and optimise experiences on all devices, because the internet looks different on every device! If your site doesn’t adapt to new devices you are losing customers and ignoring channel shift.

Almost all of our clients want a 'mobile' rendering of their website these days. There are a legion of devices available to the wider public like the Android, iOS devices and lesser popular ones like BlackBerry and Windows in the mobile phone category. Then there are tablets like Kindle and iPads, notebooks and more. It's hard to keep pace with this evolution, but there is one constant that can cater for all of these mobile devices; responsive design.

In the field of web design and web based app development we are experts at keeping up with the pace of new device releases, because of our in-depth experience of responsive web design and templating for web based publishing. For many web sites, creating a version for each resolution or new device is just impractical.  Thats why we built our standards compliant core HTML / CSS cover all bases that render into browser viewports. Our responsive core library is updated almost weekly, distributed via the cloud for efficient CDN distribution. It underpins all the web sites or web based apps we are required to design ourselves or reinterpret on behalf of third party agencies or designers.

Responsive web design offers a great return of investment even for web based app development because it has no inherent constraints that iOS or Android derive. We have a mobile first approach to design so that we know our design layer will work from the small handheld viewports to the large aspect ratio screens. We are experts at creating web based UI / UX for web based apps and ensure that our customers get much of the same functionality and look without having to take into account the many restrictions found when designing and developing native OS apps.
