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Tube Map

A simple and yet powerful way to help your staff navigate through your organisational information and processes as if you were pointing a journey on a map

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Tubemap from Weblabs

This is a new product from Weblabs which will alow your team to create an easy to use navigation system for guiding your staff and users around your organisations knowledge and processes.

What is Tubemap

Tubemap is designed to build easy to understand help guides and process maps for any type of problem. Using the metaphor of the Tubemap most projects can be defined by Journeys and Stops within one or more linked Maps. A Journey can define part or the whole process to be studied or actioned. Along the journey you will have a number of key points or stops where certain actions must be carried out or understood before progressing.


Tubemap is designed to build easy to understand help guides and process maps for any type of problem. Using the metaphor of the Tubemap most projects can be defined by Journeys and Stops within one or more linked Maps.


A Journey can define part or the whole process to be studied or actioned. Along the journey you will have a number of key points or stops where certain actions must be carried out or understood before progressing.


Stops can offer a single file or document, maybe a link to a web site or electronic from or a link to an actual workflow process to be carried out. On top of this you can define a Pages training page.


Pages are basically a structured guide with categories of information to provide to the user including title, description and link to more information, a file or another process or workflow.

Click Here for User Manual